Day 6 Evening Session RCCG Annual Convention 2017


Day 6 Evening Session RCCG Annual Convention 2017

Theme: Halleluyah
Plenary Session 9 (Holy Communion Service)
Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye
Topic: Jesus Gave Thanks
Bible Text: 1 Corinthian 11: 23-27

When you go through the Scriptures, Jesus Christ said that whatever He does, we can do and even do more – John 14:12.

If Jesus Christ gave Thanks and things happened then it means that if we also give Thanks the same thing will follow suit.

1 John 4:17 says as Jesus Christ is so are we in this World.

For example in John 6: 5-13, Jesus Christ gave thanks and multiplications began to take place to such an extent that twelve (12) baskets of extras were collected. Before He gave thanks, the food was insufficient but after giving thanks there are enough.

This teaches us something that the best way to overcome insufficiency is to give thanks. When you give thanks, life moves from insufficiency to more than sufficient. So if you want lack to turn to abundance then give thanks.

Therefore from now onwards, if you want to get to the level that you will have more than sufficient let me hear you shout Halleluyah… Halleluyah!!!

In John 11: 35-45; something interesting happened when the friend of Jesus, Lazarus died. He has died for like 4 days and even those people who were supposedly close to Him even doubted that there is no impossibility with God…so He wept and later gave thanks. At the end of the day, His friend came back to life. There was a transfer from the valley of sorrow to the mountain top of Joy. In Verse 41, Jesus said Father I thank you. At this moment, death turned to life, sorrow to joy, unbelief to faith, Despair to Triumph.

I know that someone is here tonight who won’t know sorrow again. Somehow in the way, only God can do; someone will spend the rest of his/her life in Joy (Amen).

If you are that one, let me hear you shout Halleluyah… Halleluyah!!!

In the passage that we read in our text, Paul was giving an account of what happened in the night the Holy Communion was taken. However when you read Mark 14: 23-25; you will see that when Jesus Christ took the bread, He gave thanks before sharing it. This goes to established to you and I that we can always say by His stripes we are healed. He then later took the cup and gave thanks again before giving it to the disciples. This made a statement that I won’t drink this with you again until I meet you in my Father’s Kingdom.

When Jesus Christ gave thanks, He simply established a New Beginning for His disciples…saying no more sickness, live in Victory and am going to drink with you in my Father’s Kingdom (meaning you won’t miss Heaven).

I believe God on behalf of someone here tonight who for the rest of your life will experience Divine Health, live in Victory and make it to Heaven. If you are the one let me hear you shout halleluyah… Halleluyah!!!

In conclusion, in John 13: 21-30; when John was giving an account of what happened at the Holy Communion Service; the bible recorded that after giving bread to Judas, He told him to do what he wanted to do on time and so he went out…and it was in the night. He was telling Judas: you are not part of us, go away as you are a child of darkness and we others, child of light.

That night, Jesus Christ drew a boundary between light and darkness and Judas from that night never came back to the Fellowship.

When you learnt to give thanks, anything not of God in God’s Miraculous way will be separated from you. That is why Jesus Christ said that every plant that my Father has not planted will be uprooted. Henceforth, in your home, Church, Place of work etc whatever is not of God will not be able to stay near you. When you learn to Praise God in your house, Church or work place; the fire of God will be there to keep the enemy far away from you.

This is why Daddy GO asking us from time to time to shout Halleluyah in order to keep the enemy far away from us.

Anyone who believes that let me hear you shout halleluyah… Halleluyah!!!

The meal you are about to eat tonight will bring a separation between Heaven and Earth.

The question is: Where are you going now?

However before we start to eat tonight, we want to give room to some of our friends who paraventure coming for the very first time here tonight or have been with us since but the devil held them back.

Now that you know that there will be a permanent separation then you need to give your life to God.

So if you want to do that, please start coming quickly.

Altar Call.

And for those of us already on the Lord’s side, let’s begin to give thanks to God…give Him all the Glory and Praises… with an assurance that every darkness will be separate permanently from your life.


When you have been served the bread, begin to thank God that I will no longer experience sickness, poverty, failure, sorrow, defeat etc.

When they served you the wine, hold on so that we can all drink it together. Your Prayer will be: For the rest of my life I will be living in Victory.

Thank God because by the Special Grace of God; we shall all make it to Heaven because He said that the Holy Ghost will Glorify Him. Afterwards thank Him also in tongues. For those not speaking in tongues as others are speaking in tongues the Holy Spirit will catch you too.

Mine oh mine…its has been a Great Week of God’s Presence and am sure we are all shouting Halleluyah now in all facets of our lives.

For as many of us that can join our Daddy GO in the Thanksgiving Service tomorrow. It will be Plenary Session 10 titled: WHEN WE GET TO HEAVEN.

… Loading and please mark this in your diary is the Holy Ghost Congress that will take place if the Lord tarries and spare our lives from 4th to 10th December 2017 here at the Redemption Camp with the theme: SONGS OF VICTORY.

Thanks for trusting and reading through with us all week long.



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