March 2017 Holy Communion Service – Come and Drink

March 2017 Holy Communion Service 
THEME: Come and Drink

DATE: Thursday, 2nd March  2017

MINISTERING: Pastor E.A. Adeboye

VENUE: 3Km by 3KM New auditoriun , Redemption Camp, KM 46 Lagos Ibadan Expressway, Mowe, Ogun State Nigeria

TIME: 6:00PM Nigerian time

Bible Reading- 1 Corinthians. 11:23-34

Text: John 7:37-39; John 6:48


Drinking is superior to eating because it is possible for a man to exist for 100 days without food but difficult to go for 70 days without a drink 1 Kings 17:7-12
Physical health is important- 1 Corinthians 11:23-34, 1 Peter 2:24- the bread is very important for healing and health
Drink is very crucial, it is far better because anyone healed will still die including those healed by Jesus Christ
Ecclesiastes 12:7
Anointing upon the life of a man can continue to speak after his/her death though dust must return to dust, example, Elisha’s anointing still remained in his bone even after his death
2 kings 13:14-21
Though the bread brings healing, the wine gives life and strength in the Spirit to continue thereafter
There’s a link between drinking and anointing ( Holy Spirit)- Ephesians 5’18,
Wine symbolizes the Holy Spirit
The most crucial part of the holy communion is the drinking of the wine, it brings about spiritual recharge, renewal, revival, new beginning etc.
Prayer after eating the bread::
As I eat this bread Father am eating to healing, health, life. In Jesus name
Prayer after drinking the wine:
Father fill me to overflowing with your power, strength and yourself.

Watch it below

Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon at March 2017 Holy Communion – Come and Drink



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